Thursday 7 January 2016

Vintage Clothing

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Friday.

I've set my eyes on vintage clothing few months ago since I finished my diploma and surprisingly, I accept vintage fashion more than I thought I will.. Thanks to L.A Frock Star in Life Inspire Channel (The Way We Wore), I've realize how beautiful vintage fashion is.. To be honest, I don’t have any sense of humour in fashion which means that I have a bad eye in fashion.. I did not understand how people say that they can differentiate a black dress and another black dress based on the detail and pattern because it looks black and plain to me.. And same goes with other fashion clothing.. But when I watch this channel, I realize that by observing the reaction and those beautiful smile on their faces, those clothes must be special and one of a kind.. And some of the clothes cost thousands of dollar which is normal?.. Whatever it is, I realize that not only modern clothes that can capture people heart (and money) but also how people put effort in bring out the old and modified it so that it suit the owners’ taste..

To be clear, vintage is fashion that is too old to be considered modern, but not old enough to be considered antique. (urban dictionary). Now day, people are creative in matching all types of clothes whether it’s new or old and create new style.. I don’t know much about it but sometime it work on me too.. Today’s generation enhance us to bring new food on the table where new ideas and innovation are welcome..

I’ve done some searching and since I’m new in this fashion thing, I am not expose to the shops around me so I found this shop where you can buy fordable vintage clothes at range of RM15.. I am so excited to see it for myself but I’m not sure if it’s still open and available or not.. I’m not sure whether it is the name of the shop or not but what I found is “Reject Stock from Japan and USA” located at Carrefour Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur. You can also check on other shops at by Shantee Lim. Her discovery is very useful for newbie like me and for those who are interest in finding vintage clothes in Malaysia.

I also take a last minutes check on vintage clothes and I find this cute, adorable website where all cute and high fashion vintage clothes are being sell.. Check out for further detail.

You may click and check out on The Way We Wore shop at for further inspiration and eyes catching vintage clothes or check out Life Inspire (LI channel) in Astro channel 728. 

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