Thursday 11 February 2016

Date for College Registration: Bachelor Degree UiTM P.Perdana Session 2/2016

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Thursday.

I just want to share with you regarding the date for student who are offered to study degree in puncak perdana where the date for you to apply college or dorm is at 27th February. My friend just called the college and they told her to come at 27th February at 8:30AM-4:00PM if I'm not mistaken.

therefore, for people who want to apply college at p.perdana, make sure you bring some cash with you for the payment of the college.

8 people/house
4 people/room, (2 people/room)2X
4 people/room=RM210/head
2 people/room=RM420/head

Hopefully this will help you. Good luck and make sure you pick your housemates carefully and you can plan to gang up before apply the college. It will be much easier to manage.

With God bless:)

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