Sunday 7 February 2016

UiTM Puncak Perdana-Bachelor of Information Management: Records Management

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Friday.

On 5th February 2016, I was shock by my mother when she messaged my sister as she told her to remind me that I can check my result degree that day. I thought it was on 18th February but my mistake, it was that day. I was nervous but with black mind, I check on it and click on the result..

Alhamdulillah, with help from God, I got it.

I got what I want. Since it offers 3 program and I got the first program. It was bachelor of Information Science: Records Management. I was so shock of the result that I instantly scream and it shock my sister. I kind of know that I’m going to enslave myself over this program because it is hard. I started to doubt my feeling over records and think of taking library management because I got to work in my high school resources center/library for a month. But, I know that whatever program I take, it’s going to be as hard as the other. So, I message my mom and she told me to accept the offer because it hard to get another offer when you decline the previous. So with heavy and 50/50 state of mind, I accept it. But thankfully, I got it near my house in Puncak Perdana.

So to all people who got accepted in UiTM especially in Information Management Bachelor in Records Management of others, I wish you the best of luck and don’t give up on the subject and don’t give up on yourself. Accept for what God has given to you because there are people who did not get it.

So Puncak Perdana, Records Management and Dorm of Puncak Perdana.. Here I come!
Some of my course mate got records and others at Puncak too. Let’s not fight each other like before and be mature about it okay? I’m sorry about what happen in Diploma but we need to move on and stay close.. There’s going to be students from another states so let’s not shows our bad side.. If we want to fight, let’s fight later okay? Good luck to all. With bless form God, I pray for you<3 

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