Thursday 11 February 2016

Date for College Registration: Bachelor Degree UiTM P.Perdana Session 2/2016

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Thursday.

I just want to share with you regarding the date for student who are offered to study degree in puncak perdana where the date for you to apply college or dorm is at 27th February. My friend just called the college and they told her to come at 27th February at 8:30AM-4:00PM if I'm not mistaken.

therefore, for people who want to apply college at p.perdana, make sure you bring some cash with you for the payment of the college.

8 people/house
4 people/room, (2 people/room)2X
4 people/room=RM210/head
2 people/room=RM420/head

Hopefully this will help you. Good luck and make sure you pick your housemates carefully and you can plan to gang up before apply the college. It will be much easier to manage.

With God bless:)

Sunday 7 February 2016

Bachelor Records Management: UiTM Puncak Perdana - Courses, Place, College

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Friday.

For anyone who got accepted in bachelor in UiTM, congratulation. I was selected into Information Management in Records at Puncak Perdana, Selangor. I am off on 28th February 2016. So today I want to talk about records management.

As far as I know, since I am still not entering degree (like 20% information about records sorry).. I want to share some overall courses in Records Management.  For me, I will take semester 3 until semester 7 (if I’m not mistaken). So in total, I got 2 ½ years in degree. For the last semester, I need to go for industrial training or we call it practical. For detail view on each semester in records management, you can go to this link:

Or if you want to know about other program in Information Management, you can go to this link:

As far as I know, we will be staying at Puncak and will be transfer to Rembau, Seremban. Hopefully we can survive there because it was quite far from the town. I am not sure if there is bus at Rembau but if you have car, maybe you can.

(UiTM Puncak Perdana)

(UiTM Rembau)

About the college/dorm in Puncak, they call it Kolej Jasmine. They provide 3 bedrooms for 8 people per house. 4 people for 1 room, 2 people for each 2 room. The payment is divided by below:
4 bed double deck room: RM210/head
2 single bed/ 1 double deck bed room: RM240/head

(P.Perdana Kolej Jasmine)

They also provide single table for each student. 2 toilets per house and a space place for laundry. The college/dorm is resided at the back of the faculty building. So don’t worry about getting late for class or when it is raining. (hopefully).

For now, Rembau is still on construction. So we have to wait for it until it fully finished and hopefully when the time we reside there, the water and electricity is there. Amin. 

(UiTM Rembau)

So for IM student in Puncak, Good Luck and pray for bless from God.  Farewell. 

UiTM Puncak Perdana-Bachelor of Information Management: Records Management

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Friday.

On 5th February 2016, I was shock by my mother when she messaged my sister as she told her to remind me that I can check my result degree that day. I thought it was on 18th February but my mistake, it was that day. I was nervous but with black mind, I check on it and click on the result..

Alhamdulillah, with help from God, I got it.

I got what I want. Since it offers 3 program and I got the first program. It was bachelor of Information Science: Records Management. I was so shock of the result that I instantly scream and it shock my sister. I kind of know that I’m going to enslave myself over this program because it is hard. I started to doubt my feeling over records and think of taking library management because I got to work in my high school resources center/library for a month. But, I know that whatever program I take, it’s going to be as hard as the other. So, I message my mom and she told me to accept the offer because it hard to get another offer when you decline the previous. So with heavy and 50/50 state of mind, I accept it. But thankfully, I got it near my house in Puncak Perdana.

So to all people who got accepted in UiTM especially in Information Management Bachelor in Records Management of others, I wish you the best of luck and don’t give up on the subject and don’t give up on yourself. Accept for what God has given to you because there are people who did not get it.

So Puncak Perdana, Records Management and Dorm of Puncak Perdana.. Here I come!
Some of my course mate got records and others at Puncak too. Let’s not fight each other like before and be mature about it okay? I’m sorry about what happen in Diploma but we need to move on and stay close.. There’s going to be students from another states so let’s not shows our bad side.. If we want to fight, let’s fight later okay? Good luck to all. With bless form God, I pray for you<3 

Thursday 7 January 2016

Tiny House & Container House

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Friday.

Today I want to share one of my dream plan. Since everyone will need a home one day when they grow up and start builds their own family, money can be a problem. It is okay to dream big but sometime it is hard to make it a reality. Since I am in my early 20’s I realize that by planning for my future is one of the essential things to do so that I can prepare on my future. So, I came out with the idea of living big in small house.

Tiny House
You can check out Tiny House in where a lot of houses that are built small and compact. The furniture’s are very practical and multi-purpose. Usually, tiny house pack with loft/attic where the owner will place their bed usually it is a queen size bed. There will be 1 bed, 1 toilet, kitchen, small dining table and sofa plus TV. It is more like a cottage where you can install air condition if you want the house to be cool. Moreover, tiny house might be small, so by installing big windows and sliding door will provide great view of the outside and make the house look big. There are tiny house with bunk bed or double deck bed for extra bed and usually the sofa can also be used as bed/sofa. The ceiling usually is tall so it will give the sense of spacious space. Therefore, owning a house will not be a big problem since any size of houses can be live by us if we are flexible and be positive with it.

Container House
On the other side, this idea that came from my brother is one of the ideas that I totally support since it will save a lot of money to build a house. Constructing this house is like playing with lego. It is fun where all your creative ideas can be contribute in designing the house. In Malaysia, this type of house usually being own by single person or people who want to live without debt. A brilliant idea to start your life with your own house where no debt will follow you. I am talking about the container house. It might sound funny as we live in a steel box. No, not really. It is really interesting to be living in a container house. You can intersect two or more containers that will provide more space than you can imagine. Having a small garden or balcony is also a plus. The cost of a 20’ long pre-used dry container is around RM5,000 and 40’ long pre-used dry container cost around RM8,000. You can install toilet and kitchen utilities with the installation of wires to provide electricity, and then you can have your tiny house. You are also need to find a suitable land before purchasing the container. Owning your own land is good for your future. You can check on container house in or in Google to get the idea of a container house.

You can check out tiny house: 

Or you can check you container house: 

Wedding Dress

I am interested in looking at how people chose their right dresses and I came across one of TLC channel’s show called Say Yes to the Dress where brides came to the bridal wedding dress shop to shop their wedding clothes.. It is fun because we can see how people choose their dresses at the average of 3 times trial of changing wedding dress that suit their body and personality.. It also shows how difficult it is to choose a perfect dresses to those brides.. Some of them have different opinion from family, friends or even their fiancĂ©.. They have different opinion and likes over the dress and there also need to follow their budget (unless you have limitless money) but at the end of the drama, they find their perfect dresses, yay!

Since I am over 20 by now, I realize that married is not a foreign topic anymore.. In a blink of an eye, my only big brother decided to tie the knot at the end of this year or early next year. By then, I realize that soon it is going to be my turn. Dang!. By the way, choosing daily clothes can be a pain and time consuming, therefore by putting our self on the bride shoe can be one long journey to find the perfect dress..

You may check out Say Yes to the Dress in TLC channel 707 in Astro or check out
TLC website: 

Or you can check out another great show that will not focus only for slim bride but also curvy bride:

Or you like one of a kind design for your wedding dress, you may check out bride by design:
Bride by Design:

Vintage Clothing

With praise to God, I bid you a lovely Friday.

I've set my eyes on vintage clothing few months ago since I finished my diploma and surprisingly, I accept vintage fashion more than I thought I will.. Thanks to L.A Frock Star in Life Inspire Channel (The Way We Wore), I've realize how beautiful vintage fashion is.. To be honest, I don’t have any sense of humour in fashion which means that I have a bad eye in fashion.. I did not understand how people say that they can differentiate a black dress and another black dress based on the detail and pattern because it looks black and plain to me.. And same goes with other fashion clothing.. But when I watch this channel, I realize that by observing the reaction and those beautiful smile on their faces, those clothes must be special and one of a kind.. And some of the clothes cost thousands of dollar which is normal?.. Whatever it is, I realize that not only modern clothes that can capture people heart (and money) but also how people put effort in bring out the old and modified it so that it suit the owners’ taste..

To be clear, vintage is fashion that is too old to be considered modern, but not old enough to be considered antique. (urban dictionary). Now day, people are creative in matching all types of clothes whether it’s new or old and create new style.. I don’t know much about it but sometime it work on me too.. Today’s generation enhance us to bring new food on the table where new ideas and innovation are welcome..

I’ve done some searching and since I’m new in this fashion thing, I am not expose to the shops around me so I found this shop where you can buy fordable vintage clothes at range of RM15.. I am so excited to see it for myself but I’m not sure if it’s still open and available or not.. I’m not sure whether it is the name of the shop or not but what I found is “Reject Stock from Japan and USA” located at Carrefour Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur. You can also check on other shops at by Shantee Lim. Her discovery is very useful for newbie like me and for those who are interest in finding vintage clothes in Malaysia.

I also take a last minutes check on vintage clothes and I find this cute, adorable website where all cute and high fashion vintage clothes are being sell.. Check out for further detail.

You may click and check out on The Way We Wore shop at for further inspiration and eyes catching vintage clothes or check out Life Inspire (LI channel) in Astro channel 728.